Privacy Policy

At Elliephant we take the protection of your personal information, your staffs' personal information, and our compliance with privacy laws seriously. This Privacy Policy is designed to describe how we collect, handle and use your personal information.

Australia's Privacy Act applies to organisationsw' collection and handling of personal information in Australia. In some cases, exemptions under these laws may apply, in which case we may rely on those exemptions in our discretion.  We rely on the small business exemption in Australia's Privacy Act where that exemption is applicable to Elliephant.

By visiting our website or platform, using our services, engaging with us, applying for a role with us or providing us with any of your personal information or the personal information of your staff, you agree to the terms of this Policy and you acknowledge that in doing so you we may collect personal information from you including as outlined in this Policy, and share and trade that information on an anonymous or aggregated basis.

If you do not want to provide personal information to us you are not required to do so, however this may limit your use of our website and platform and the services you are able to access or use from our website, platform or company.

In accordance with the Australian Privacy Act, this Policy does not apply to our acts and practices directly related to a current or former employment relationship between us and an employee or an employee record held by us relating to the employee.  Our obligations relating to that relationship and those records will be regulated by the Privacy Act and applicable employment legislation.  We may update this Policy from time to time, including where required by any applicable law.

Collection of personal information

We may also collect personal information about you from third parties including, to the extent permitted by law, public sources and information (including the internet), our related companies, information service providers, your social media profiles that are connected to ours, recruiters, credit agencies, your representatives and the parties with whom we exchange information as described in this Privacy Policy.

If you provide us with someone else's personal information, including the personal information of your employees or staff, you must ensure the individual(s) to whom the personal information belongs has(have) consented to their personal information being provided to us based on this Privacy Policy.

Where you log on to our website or platform via a third-party social media service, such as Facebook or LinkedIn, we may collect personal information from the social media provider, including, your username, email address, and available profile information, such as your public profile URL, profile photo, job title, connections to other persons, current and past industries you have been associated with, and location, as well as other information associated with your social media account. We will ask for your consent prior to your logging in to the platform using your social media account or connecting your social media account to the Platform. By providing such consent, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to provide us with information about your social media connections.

Sensitive Information

Typically we do not collect, hold, use or disclose sensitive information about individuals in relation to the provision of services or arranging the provision of products or services by our third party vendors.  “Sensitive information” includes information about a person's racial or ethnic origin, political or philosophical beliefs or affiliations, trade or professional affiliations, or sexual preferences or practices or criminal record and health information, except to the limited extent that such information is directly relevant to products or services an individual orders through our platform.

Why we collect personal information

We collect, hold, use and disclose personal information as part of the operation of our business.  This includes:

We may not be able to do these things without your personal information. For example, we may not be able to communicate with you, provide services to you, arrange third party vendors to supply products or services to you as requested by you or your employer, customise your experience of using our website or platform, or consider your application for employment.    We may use and disclose your personal information for the primary purpose for which we collected that information for related (or directly related, for sensitive information) secondary purposes within your reasonable expectations, where permitted under the Australian Privacy Act and where otherwise required or authorised by law.

How we disclose personal information

We may exchange your personal information with:

Where you follow a link from our website or platform to the website or platform of one of our business partners, affiliates or third party vendors, and provide personal information to that third party, we will not be responsible for or in connection with that third party's storage, handling or use of your personal information.

For job applicants including applicants who commence an employment relationship with us, we may also exchange your personal information with academic institutions, health service providers, professional and trade associations and referees.

We also may compile, share or trade information about or relating to users or purchasers of our services or products and services purchased through our website/platform, or visitors to our website or platform, on an anonymous or aggregated basis, for example by communicating historic or current trends or preferences of users of our services, purchases or views of products or services promoted or sold through our website/platform, or visitors to our website/platform. 

Direct Marketing

We may use and disclose your personal information to communication information about our, or our third party vendors', business(es), products, services and offers in accordance with legal requirements.  These communications may be sent in various forms, including mail, SMS, via social media  platforms and by email, in accordance with applicable marketing laws including the Australian Spam Act.  If you sign up to one of our mailings lists or other communication channels, you may consent to us or our third party vendors sending you those direct marketing communications by any of the above mentioned communication methods.  We do not use sensitive information for direct marketing.

You may opt out of receiving direct marketing information and can contact us using the contact information in this Policy or by clicking the unsubscribe link in the relevant direct marketing email.  You should note that even if you opt out of receiving direct marketing communications, we may continue to provide certain information to you such as changes to our terms and conditions or changes to our Privacy Policy.

Security and storage of personal information

We may retain your personal information for such period as is reasonably necessary having regard to the purposes for which we are permitted to handle that personal information. We may retain de-personalised statistical information for longer periods where no individuals are reasonably identifiable from that data.

We implement a range of measures to protect the security of personal information. Depending on the circumstances, these may include  firewalls, encryption, passwords and locked areas.  As no security software is completely secure we can not guarantee the absolute security of your personal information.  

We hold personal information electronically and in hard copy form, both at our own premises and with the assistance of our service providers. We will take reasonable steps to destroy or alternately de-identify your personal information once we no longer need it for any of the purposes described in this Policy.

Our websites

If you visit , , or any other website or platform on which this Privacy Policy is posted with our permission to read, browse or download information, our system may record information such as your server address, top level domain (e.g. .com,, etc), date and time of your visit to the website, pages accessed, information downloaded, previous site visited and browser type. This information is used for statistical, data compiling, reporting, content refinement and website administration and maintenance purposes.

Like many other websites, our website may use ‘cookies' from time to time. A cookie is a piece of information that allows our system to identify and interact more effectively with your browser. The cookie helps us to maintain the continuity of your browsing session and remember your details and preferences when you return.  Our website may track your movement to third party websites that you visit through or from our website/platform.  You can configure your web browser software to reject cookies however some parts of our websites may not have full functionality in that case.   Our website may use Google services such as Google Analytics from time to time. For more about how Google collects and processes data, please see Google's privacy policy and their information at  

Your rights

In Australia, subject to certain exceptions in Australia's Privacy Act, you have the rights to seek access to the personal information we hold about you and correct any mistakes in personal information we hold about you.  In certain circumstances provided in Australia's Privacy Act, we may have the right to refuse your request for access to your personal information that we hold. 

You can exercise these rights where applicable by contacting us via the methods detailed below. We may need to verify your identity. We will provide our reasons if we deny your request.

If you no longer wish to receiving alerts or emails from us then you may unsubscribe from our service by selecting the ‘unsubscribe' option at the bottom of our messages.

Complaints or contacting us

You can contact us if you wish to make a complaint about how we have handled your personal information. Please provide as many details as you can. We may need to engage or consult with other parties in order to investigate and deal with your complaint. We will keep records of your complaint and any resolution.

You can contact us via one of the means below:

Email: [email protected]

Web form: